Wednesday, May 25, 2011

And the swell arrives...

At last the swell arrived! The weather is really bad by now. It's raining and the wind has picked up and all together the day started rather slow. We got up late and had another great brekky with Dylan. We checked the local web cams for surfable waves but all we found was big swell and strong winds that mushed everything up and made it unrideable. I was so looking forward to this day and the arriving swell and was really disappointed to have just another day without surfing. But later in the afternoon Dylan got the hint that there where clean waves in Warriewood, not far from Newport, with only a few guys out there. We literally jumped off the couch, grabbed our stuff and drove straight down to the beach. It was on!!! Nice right hand waves coming off the headland, 4-6 feet and maybe 10-15 people out there. The wind was pretty strong but offshore which shaped the waves nicely. Dylan and I got changed in a rush, because the water was definitely warmer than the air, and paddled out. I didn't get too many waves but it still was great to sit there with really good guys and feel the raw strength of the ocean.
But enough with the stories. We had an awesome time out there and I can still feel the afterstoke.
Here are the pic's:

These are only some of the great pictures my awesome and beautiful girlfriend Rebekka took. A huge thanks to her for standing in the cold with such endurance.


  1. Hey Tim, I love the photos. It seems like it was really worth getting that waterproof camera. Thanks too to Bekki for taking to snaps. It must be so great to be somewhere where you can go surfing almost any day. Here we are stuck waiting for very specific conditions to go surfing maybe 8 - 10 times a year.

  2. NICE waves there.. good job Bekki > Dylan is that you surfing there ? Did you get barreled? whaa I am soo envious... I'll head off to Sylt on friday or saturday. keep reporting ^^ love

  3. It is so great dad... I love it. I just go surfing whenever I want and I even don't go out when it's not looking so good. Can you believe that :) Back in Germany I would go out in the worst conditions...

  4. whaaahahaa i didn't go to sylt ( fu** i am stuck here with no surf and only one bro left... timmi come back... till and i need you
