Thursday, June 23, 2011

The bag!

As I said, I'll hand in some pics of our bag, here they are. We just started working on an inner pocket for books 'n stuff but are still on to that. We had some free time this morning to start it because we had another of our beautiful mornings down at Bilgola, having breakfast and hanging around in the sun.
This is what our bag was in its previous life.

That's the button I made. Note also with how much accuracy the button-whole is manufactured. 

That's how it looks now. Isn't she beautiful? We're planning to put heaps of stickers and buttons on it from each country we've been  to.

This is it in action. Nice modeling by the way...

I also have another story for you. Do you remember how I told you about this ice-cream place "Cold Rock"?
Last night we (Remy, Jake, Bekki and I) met at Joel's place in Newport and got a huge pot of ice cream and lots of chocolate bars, gummi bears and smarties and had a "COLD-ROCK-NIGHT"! It was soooooooooo good. We mixed all of the stuff together and had the best ice cream ever! Unfortunately I didn't have dinner that night and I ate so much that I felt really sick after a while. Nevertheless it was the best thing ever and I'm going to have heaps of  cold rock parties when I get back to Germany.

We didn't have much to do this morning so Rebekka got the camera out and started to annoy other people (me) by taking pictures. And so I thought I'll shock you with some more pictures of us.
Bekki sunbathing. It is still so warm once you get out of the wind.

I didn't want this pic to be taken but Yoda was just showing of...


  1. the picture of Bekki with the "self-made travel-bag"...awesome :) Miss you guys and wish you a great time.

  2. komischd, dass dir wieder schlecht geworden ist von zu viel eis...;)

  3. Ja nicht wahr, ich dachte ich waehre eis-immun... Das Problem ist, dass ich es auf jeden Fall wieder tun wuerde. Soviel zu "aus Fehlern lernt man"...
