Monday, June 27, 2011

It's all going to be alright, as long as you dont listen to any good advice.

It was a nice Sunday in Sydney. The weather was beautiful, the water lovely and the people we shared breakfast with made our morning perfect. What could possibly go wrong after such a start into the day? But let me start from the  beginning.
We had planned to leave Sydney on Sunday around midday to head up north to visit my family, first stop my aunty Ann in Armidale. We went out on Saturday night which was great because I got to see almost all of the guys before I left. It was Dylan's birthday on Saturday and we where invited to an after-birthday-breakfast at the Young's place on Sunday. It was a beautiful breakfast and we had a great morning with those lovely people. After that Bekki and I went down to the beach and had a short swim, got our surfboards and wetsuits from the Barbers and finally hit the road.
The Navi calculated the trip to be 5 hours and a bit so we would reach our destination at about 9 o'clock. It all started well. It was a clear day with not much traffic and we where keen to get there because our loving family, a warm bed and a self-made spinach pie where waiting for us. But then we reached the point where the Navi told us to leave the Highway and take the faster way through the countryside. It would have been the best way if it hadn't rained like hell the previous days which had caused to flood the street in that area and made them impossible to pass. All of that wouldn't have been a problem if we had just listened to Ann or had taken a little more interest in the signs on the Highway. Ann had told us to take the Highway which would take us a bit longer because she had information from the internet which said the faster road would be closed and signs on our way where saying that the "Thunderboltsway" was closed. A little bit of research would have shown us that the "Thunderboltsway" was the way we wanted to, but shouldn't take. Ignoring even Bekki's intuition we turned of the Highway straight into a blind alley. That D-tour took us a few hours because our failures didn't stop there. We misread the next sign and thought the nearest town on another Highway was only 34 km from there but found out that it was another 130 km on very bad roads. With not much petrol left we turned around to go back to the Highway, passed a few towns where the petrol stations closed before 7.30pm and finally found one right next to a store where I could get something to eat (I hadn't eaten properly after the breakfast which made everything worse). After a bit more trouble with the Navi we reached the Highway about 20 km further north than we left it. What a great fail... The time we should reach our destination had shifted from 9pm to 1.30am so we decided to sleep somewhere and arrive at Ann's place for breakfast. We kept driving til we where 1 hour from Armidale and the frost on the windscreen made it impossible to continue the trip. It was 1.15am and so cold that we had to sleep under two blankets and in our clothes. We arrived Armidale safely the next day and had no trouble finding Ann's place which was a nice exception to all the things that had gone wrong on that trip. The whole drive took us almost 10 hours, twice as long as it should, and I must say well done Bekki because she was driving the whole way. Not because I wouldn't drive but because she wouldn't let me.
Anyhow it is really nice to be here (we had a very nice day) and see my family again after 4 long years and I'm really looking forward to spending some time here.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tim,it sounds as if the drive was quite and adventure. It is a shame the road up through Walcha was closed becasue that is a beautiful drive. You really get the feeling of being in Australia with the wide open spaces and the extreme distance between towns. I hope you are enjoying a warm bed and warm conversation up at the farm. And spring is just around the corner :-)
